Saturday, September 17, 2011


In corporate America, three basic criteria are held in high esteem.  Generally speaking, one must have the proven ability to perform the task(s) for which they are employed, the track record of accomplishing objectives and lastly...maintain an attitude befitting the position.

Likewise, in Nehemiah's day, attitude in the king's presence was extremely important.  In fact, to display sadness in the king's presence was subject to severe consequences.  That explains the source of Nehemiah's fear in responding to the King's inquiry.  Yet, Nehemiah's confidence did not stem from his position but from his relationship with God.  This relationship enabled him to make the requests of the king...which were granted.

Now,  one considers the basis for this whole exchange.  Why did this discussion and requests even occur?  Because Nehehiah's internal burdens had been externally evident.  No masking.  No hiding.  In our day we'd say "it was just out there".  The thought came to me, if Nehemiah had not been genuine would the incident recorded in this passage have ever occurred?  Would the walls ever been rebuilt?  Would Nehemiah have experienced this working of God in and through him as well as the encouragement to the residents of Jerusalem? 

Today's Christian also has The King to whom we can bring our concerns, pleas and praise.  Just as for Nehemiah, God's blessing can be limited by coming before Him with an inappropriate attitude.  Do we have burdens, challenges to living for the Lord today?  We sure do!  But, we also have the ear of a caring, loving King who wants us to enjoy a life for Him over the rim which overflows to the benefit of others!!


I Peter 5:7 - Casting all our cares on Him because He cares for you (us).

Contributed by Gene Schnuckel

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts on transparency and vulnerability here Gene. So why is it we live our lives among our fellow believers in a relatively high state of fear? We select a mask from our extensive collection, put it on before entering the public arena leaving everyone guessing who is really behind it? God calls us to be genuine, vulnerable, and humble in His hands thus allowing Him to handle the outcome.
