Saturday, October 15, 2011


Nehemiah 5 describes how the nobles and officials were misusing and controlling the people who were trying so hard to do the work that God had given them to do - that of rebuilding the walls of the city.
 n verses 7 and 8 Nehemiah confronts the leaders and says "How often must we redeem them?"

 What about those who are just wanting to experience the freedom they have found in Jesus Christ?  Are we 'adding to' so they are 'overburdened'?  John 8:36 say "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." (NLT)

 Sometimes I wonder if we do the same thing to each other.  Are we placing such a burden on those who are doing the work of the Lord that they feel like they "already carry a heavy burden"? (vs. 18) Those working on the wall were helping each other and sharing what they could.  When we work together not only does the work get done, but we grow together in the "one anothers" of Scripture that brings glory to God.

 Let us not place burdens on those who have been redeemed - set free - or on each other as we seek together to do the "work of the Lord".

 Contributed by Karen Brink

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