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GAMES & ACTIVITIES FOR ROAD TRIPS For many families, summer means travel. Whether you're visiting relatives or navigating to a destination vacation, pre-trip planning makes all the difference for kids cooped up in the car.
As you pack the bags and plan the snacks, don't forget to take along some road trip activities for the kids. Check this link out for ideas and tips. | ||||||||||||
COOKOUT Summer get together! August 16—REMEMBER TO RSVP BY JULY 31 (contact David Faris dave@immanuel.cc). Come cook out with the Faris family at our home (39 E. 20th St) from 11:30am to 1:00pm. This event is open to all families and volunteers in the Children's Ministry. Come and go as you wish. All those involved play an important role. Let’s get to know each other better and celebrate what God is doing. Hot dogs, chips, and beverages provided. | ||||||||||||
BOOKS DISPLAY There has been an addition made to the children's information display. Now on the side there are featured books to check out that may pertain to parenting, bible reading, child development or study.
They are for display only. Please feel free to look at them and write down information to pick up a copy of your own. | ||||||||||||
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Friday, June 27, 2014
Family TALK June 29
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Family TALK June 22
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A FATHER’S LOVE Have you every asked yourself the questions, “Am I making an impact? am I a good father? Do my kids love me? Does what I do matter?” These were all thoughts I had in my mind as this past fathers day approached. This article helps put to words what my heart knows and what I am learning through God’s grace gift, my precious family. From The Look of a Father at Thriving Family.com Love is the key to everything. If you love your kids and show them that you love them, the rest naturally develops. We often consider Mom to be the heart of the family. But Dad has just as critical a role to play in the lives of his children, beyond just carrying the mantle of leadership. A picture comes to mind of a big, strong tree in the backyard, that old oak that spreads its branches across the sky like open arms, the place that kids run to in the morning to play near or sit for comfort. Can we build that same sense of unshakable security? Can we be the father who says to his kids, “Come, come sit on my lap. What did you do today? Did you make a mistake? What did you learn?” It’s a reflection of how I see our heavenly Father. Someone who’s always ready to share a laugh or wipe a tear. That father can be stern, yes, but always in a loving way. Consequences and correction may come, but he never speaks out of condemnation. His children feel safe. Fatherhood is about being engaged with your kids, talking and playing with them, holding them when they need to be held. It’s about always aiming to be present, not fleeing into a “man cave” or escaping to work. Those diversions are short, flighty things compared to your relationship with your kids. | ||||||||||
COOKOUT Summer get together! August 16, come cook out with the Faris family at our home (39 E. 20th St) from 11:30am to 1:00pm. This event is open to all families and volunteers in the Children's Ministry. Come and go as you wish. All those involved play an important role. Let’s get to know each other better and celebrate what God is doing. | ||||||||||
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Friday, June 13, 2014
Family TALK June 15
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HAPPY FATHERS DAY Sunday is a day to celebrate our Dads. What a great gift they are as provider, protector, and preceptor. However, let us also remember that there are those around us who do not have a Dad or have a Dad who is not involved in the same way they once were. So, give thanks to God for all the godly men in your lives and who are influencing others. Whether Dad, granddad, uncle or mentor. Who has made a great impact in your life or your child's life? Give thanks to God for them. | |||||||||
COOKOUT Summer get together! August 16, come cook out with the Faris family at our home (39 E. 20th St) from 11:30am to 1:00pm. This event is open to all families and volunteers in the Children's Ministry. Come and go as you wish. All those involved play an important role. Let’s get to know each other better and celebrate what God is doing. | |||||||||
LOVE ON PURPOSE The distractions of life often make it difficult to show love to our spouse. Since love is shown through purposeful and consistent action, we need to find ways each day to make the expression of our love a priority. Just as we study God's Word to know Him better, we must also study our spouse to know what makes him or her feel loved. Ultimately, love is from God, so we can ask Him to help us love our husband or wife better each day. | |||||||||
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Thursday, June 5, 2014
Family TALK June 8
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COOK OUT Summer get together! August 16, come cook out with the Faris family at our home (39 E. 20th St) from 11:30am to 1:00pm. This event is open to all families and volunteers in the Children's Ministry. Come and go as you wish. All those involved play an important role. Let’s get to know each other better and celebrate what God is doing.
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KEEP ACTIVE THIS SUMMER Welcome to summer! For many of you, the next few months will be filled with travel, adventure and increased opportunities to spend time together as a family. As you begin to think about and plan how you will spend the next few months, we’d like to present you with the Summer Family Activity Book. It is a family resource that gives you ideas on how to be intentional with the time you spend together this summer.
There is a charge given in the book of Deuteronomy to continually and intentionally talk with children about what it means to love God with all they are—no matter where they are, no matter what they’re doing: Click HERE to check it out. Or download attachment | |||||||||||
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