Thursday, January 9, 2014

Family Talk for January 12th


Welcome to Family TALK.  A weekly e-newsletter to keep you in the "know" with the Children's Ministry of Immanuel Church.
You can respond to anything on these emails at any time by just hitting reply.

Your kids are working on a New Testament booklet.  This will highlight the main theme of the books and the books names.
This week we will be talking about
Titus and Jude.  These books are about how to live out your faith.

There is a great group in place, led by Kelli Wyse and supported by Jace Harrington and Marissa Tenharmsel.  These leaders are dedicated every week to guide the kids in singing.


If your kids are at least in 1st grade and are interested in joining this group please let Kelli know by calling 616-510-5220 or Email

(Required practices- No more than once a month)

This will help build a serving heart in your child and grow them in leadership. 

In the book "Fun-Filled Parenting", there is a section about cheerful chores.  Last Sunday my two lovelies (Laura and Grace) came over for lunch.  Through the God given wisdom of Laura, instead of going our separate ways afterwards we all worked together to complete some household chores. 


With the distraction and easy busyness that technology provides we can miss out on the fun, and teachable moments in the every day things like chores. 


Kids are constantly looking for things to do.  Having kids help with chores teaches them responsibility and satisfaction in doing our best for others.  But how do you get them to do them or even enjoy them.  Invite them in to help you and give them a role of their own.  That way Kids feel wanted, and they are more likely to join in.


It was a joy to see Grace shout out and shake with excitement as she asked "can I Swiffer?"  This quickly led to a dance party all across the kitchen floor as she cheerfully helped out with the chores.  I know this attitude was nurtured by the investment of a mother who desires to be with her child and do as Deuteronomy says, guide them along the way.


I am praying for you all and learning alongside.

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