Friday, September 30, 2016

Things You Need to Know!

Yes, we know there is an important vote coming up on November 2 (which you should be preparing for). However, there is a vote coming up on October 2 that you should participate in as well. This Sunday morning at Immanuel we will be voting on a change in staff role for Alyn Goossen. We are proposing that he transition from youth pastor to associate pastor in our church. If you are a member of Immanuel you should have received all the details on this. Come ready to vote in each of our morning services.
This Sunday morning, October 2, we are focusing on Hebrews 9:15-28 as we focus on what Christ has accomplished for us. Take some time to read through this section of verses before you come to church Sunday morning to prepare yourself for the music and teaching.
Serving as a greeter at the doors, helping people with valet parking of their cars, guiding folks at the information booth in the Commons, walking the halls as a security person, or being available for medical needs are all important roles in our church. This Sunday morning, October 2, we are having a brief meeting with all these individuals right after the 2nd service in the View. If you are already on the team, be sure to join us. If you would like to consider joining us, come along as well.
Christmas may seem like a long way off but some of you are already making preparations. One special way you can prepare is by putting together some gifts for a child that may receive little or nothing this year. Once again we are partnering with Samaritan's Purse to come alongside children. Stop by the display in the Commons to pick up an empty box and details on how you can participate.
If you (or your spouse) are 60 or older you should join us for this year's senior banquet. This year we feature musical artist Huntley Brown along with a vocal appearance by Kelli Wyse. Everything is being planned for Saturday evening, October 22. The event is free but we need you to pick up a ticket from the church office so that we can plan for you. Reservations will be closed after October 9 so get your this Sunday when you come to Immanuel.
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325 104th Avenue
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Friday, September 23, 2016

A Word of Thanks

There are so many voices in our world today giving out advice on how to have a religious experience. The problem is that all that advice boils down to a list of opinions that someone has put together. The question is, how would God himself describe what needs to happen in our life to establish a relationship with him? In the New Testament book of Hebrews, chapters 9 & 10, he gives us that answer. There he describes the shortfall of a religious system of efforts and points us to what has already been accomplished. This will be our focus on Sunday mornings, September 25 and October 2, 8, & 16.
Every month at Immanuel we collect items for an agency in our area that is coming alongside people with various needs. For the month of September we have been collecting boots, gloves, hats, and mittens for Camp Beechpoint as they prepare for the winter camping season. Below is a quick word of thanks that has come from them reflecting back on the summer.

Dear Pastor Parham,
Please thank the folks at Immanuel Church for all the donations and prayer for this summer. The items you have sent were a blessing to those campers who come with little to be at camp. Thought it was a very difficult summer (campers with many anger and social issues). God in His power reached 140 children with the Good News, and another 74 made re-dedications. What a powerful God we serve.
I wanted to share with you all about a young man named Elijah. He was sent to camp by a local agency. He was not sure he wanted to be at camp, but ask Jesus into his heart early in the week and was so overwhelmed with Jesus love that he could not get enough information about his new found faith. Elijah went home and shared with his mother. She had made a decision when she was young, but set it aside in her teen years. Elijah told her that his neighbor and best friend Chase needed Jesus and could he go back to camp. The mother called and ask if this was possible. I told her I would make it happen somehow. 30 minutes after that call, the director of Elijah's sending agency stopped by and asked how the week went with Elijah. I shared his story and Wayne said I will find the money for the two boys to come to camp. The following week both boys were here. On Thursday Chase asked Jesus into his heart.
In the midst of a tough summer God is at work in lives. Keep praying for us as we follow-up these children.
Pastor I am seeking a fulltime housekeeper to serve with us on staff. That position is a paid position. We are also looking for some kitchen support on weekends and for special events. Paid as well. If you have some folks who would love to share their talents for Jesus have them contact me at 
In Christ alone,
Dave Ditzler
Camp Director
Beechpoint Christian Camp
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325 104th Avenue
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Friday, September 2, 2016

We Are Going Outside!

WE ARE GOING OUTSIDE -- This Sunday, September 4, we are taking our morning service outside. Join us at the children's end of the building under the big top at 10:00 am. Nursery and Preschool children will still be meeting inside so check them in first. Get to church early enough to look in your mailbox and grab something from the cafĂ© before you head outdoors. Everything should be ready for you including some cold water bottles for you to enjoy.
GET YOUR NAME IN NOW! – Our Sunday morning adult classes are preparing to start up again on Sunday, September 11. This just gives you a couple of weeks to sign up for the topic of your choice. The options for this first 6-week session include Bible Memorization taught by Don Wilson (limit of 15 for this class); Count for Zero taught by Dave DeCook & Jodi Boyd; Prayer taught by Rich Kornoelje; Spiritual Gifts taught by Kevin Groothuis; Early Ministry of Christ taught by Kevin Bywater; and Treasure Principle taught by Steve Holman & Dennis Fleming. All the details are on tables by the church mailboxes so be sure to stop by when you are at Immanuel this Sunday morning.
Our car show is this next Saturday, September 10. There is still time for you to bring in items for the silent auction. Be sure to grab an information sheet by the church mailboxes so that you can invite a friend, neighbor, or relative to come along with you. This is a great opportunity to invite someone who may be reluctant to coming to a church service as well as being a huge support to the work of Holland Rescue Mission.
PEOPLE YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT – Have you ever noticed that the Bible is filled with people who are not necessarily the "hero" of the story? While many are only briefly mentioned, they play a significant role in God's story. Over the Sundays of August and the first Sunday of September we are going to take a closer look at a few of these individuals.
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Immanuel Church
325 104th Avenue
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