GET YOUR NAME IN NOW! – Our Sunday morning adult classes are preparing to start up again on Sunday, September 11. This just gives you a couple of weeks to sign up for the topic of your choice. The options for this first 6-week session include Bible Memorization taught by Don Wilson (limit of 15 for this class); Count for Zero taught by Dave DeCook & Jodi Boyd; Prayer taught by Rich Kornoelje; Spiritual Gifts taught by Kevin Groothuis; Early Ministry of Christ taught by Kevin Bywater; and Treasure Principle taught by Steve Holman & Dennis Fleming. All the details are on tables by the church mailboxes so be sure to stop by when you are at Immanuel this Sunday morning.
HELPING OTHERS – Do you enjoy meeting people from other countries? Please consider volunteering in the ESL ministry. This class for adults learning English as a Second Language meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:45 to 8:30 at Harbor Lights Middle School. Linda Masopust is a teacher for this class. For more information contact Linda at 269-455-8971 or
UNDER THE BIG TOP – Weather permitting, we plan to conduct our Sunday morning service on September 4 under a tent here on our property at Immanuel. This will be our last single service before we pick back up on all our normal Sunday morning activities. Be sure to join us at 10:00 for a great time together.
PEOPLE YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT – Have you ever noticed that the Bible is filled with people who are not necessarily the "hero" of the story? While many are only briefly mentioned, they play a significant role in God's story. Over the Sundays of August and the first Sunday of September we are going to take a closer look at a few of these individuals.
THIS IS THE WEEK WE CHANGE! – This Sunday, August 7, we start a pause in our normal Sunday morning schedule at Immanuel. We will be giving all of our Sunday morning teachers (elementary, teen, and adult) a respite for the month of August and the first Sunday of September. During these same weeks we are shifting our morning format to a single service starting at 10:00 am. This means that some of you will be coming a little later than normal and some of you will be coming a little earlier. Whichever group you are in; we are looking forward to all being together for a few weeks.
PEOPLE YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT – Have you ever noticed that the Bible is filled with people who are not necessarily the "hero" of the story? While many are only briefly mentioned, they play a significant role in God's story. Over the Sundays of August and the first Sunday of September we are going to take a closer look at a few of these individuals.
CAR SHOW ASSISTANCE – Over the next few weeks you will hear about several ways you can be of help at our annual car show on September 10. This is a great way for us to connect to our community and provide some financial assistance to the Holland Rescue Mission. Be sure to sign up for one of the serving options presented so that you can help us to make this one of the strongest events yet.
Be A Blessing – For 10 weeks this summer we are endeavoring to see how many way God can use our church, and all the individuals in it, to come alongside people with simple acts of kindness and compassion. Be sure and listen carefully for the promptings of God in your own life as you go throughout the week. When you come to Immanuel on Sunday, jot a note of how God has used you and tape it to the wall as part of an encouragement to the rest of us.